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Access Community Capital Fund

Third Floor, Studio 375



Third Floor, Studio 375


Monday to Friday
9am - 5pm

Closed on Stat holidays.


Mona ElSayeh
416 462 0496

Otis Mushonga
416 462 0496


About Access Community Capital Fund

ACCESS Community Capital Fund was formed in 1999 to help promising entrepreneurs with viable business plans gain access to financing not available through other sources. Individual loans are made using a character based lending decision, where the abilities, skills and commitment of the applicant in conjunction with the strength of the business plan are key decision criteria.

ACCESS funds are used to guarantee loans through partner financial institutions, Alterna Savings and CIBC. The guarantee fund was created through community investments from socially minded individuals, organizations and businesses.

ACCESS clients are typically entrepreneurs who have been running a business less than two years or are just starting a new business. The borrower may have no credit history or may have a poor credit record due to unemployment, illness or unforeseen life events. ACCESS supports individuals through the application process and beyond providing consultation, mentorship and resources.