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Possible Worlds – Pearl Van Geest

May 22, 2024 to June 15, 2024
Wed - Sat, 12 - 5pm

Doors Open: Working With Stencils workshop, Saturday, May 25, 10 am – 5 pm *as supplies last

Opening Reception: Saturday, June 1, 1 – 4 pm

The Red Head Gallery is pleased to present Possible Worlds by Pearl Van Geest.

Informed by theories of queer ecology, Van Geest explores the connection between the human/animal body and the natural world, working towards the blurring of commonly perceived binaries and dichotomies. Driven by a desire to shed some of these boundaries, she has used various strategies such as placing and integrating the lip-sticked kiss mark into landscapes and onto maps; more explicitly portraying a person consuming or being consumed by flower; physically tracing wave and wind patterns over time and focusing on the materiality of paint. In her most recent work, Van Geest uses rotated photographs taken while paddling along mirrored shorelines of lakes and rivers. The resulting bisymmetrically vertical orientation reveals openings, imagery resembling body parts and other-worldly creatures suggesting interconnectivity and fluidity between the macro and micro, the biotic and abiotic, and the human and non-human. Colour relationships – their energetic and vibratory qualities, are a means and an end in much of her work. 

View more works from Van Geest here.

Van Geest will be hosting a Working With Stencils workshop for the Doors Open event, May 25, 10am


Red Head Gallery


May 22, 2024 to June 15, 2024
Wed – Sat, 12 – 5pm

More Details